Best Food Antioxidant Sources and Their Health Benefits
Green tea, blueberries or whey – be informed about antioxidants and their properties.
Our bodies are constantly utilizing oxygen for a range of vital functions. In the process appears chemicals known as free radicals that have unpaired electrons which traveling inside the body are trying to steal electrons from other molecules. This process is known as oxidation and there are a lot of antioxidants that are the remedy to this problem. Antioxidants have the function to neutralize free radicals; some of the antioxidants have proven to have anti-inflamatory properties.
Antioxidants benefits
Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer. Antioxidants interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals might otherwise cause.
Examples of antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and A, and other substances.

Milk Thistle Extract: Milk thistle is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It usually grows in dry, sunny areas. The active ingredient is called silymarin. Consisting of a group of compounds known as flavonolignans, silymarin helps repair liver cells that have been damaged by alcohol and other toxins. Silymarin also has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Most milk thistle based products are standardized to contain 70-80% silymarin.
Blueberries. Much research has shown that blueberries provide health benefits in the areas of anti-aging, antioxidant action, disease prevention, treatment of urinary tract infection, improving eyesight and controlling cholesterol. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants. Anthocyanin, which is the pigment that makes the blueberry blue, is the key antioxidant responsible for these benefits. Researchers believe that the phytochemicals in blueberries may reduce inflammatory processes in tissues by increasing cells membranes ability to allow vital nutrients and chemical signals to pass in and out of the cell.
Whey. The low-molecular proteins fraction of the whey represents the most active factor, because it contains amino acids, growth factors and antibodies. Whey also contains the amino acid called glutamylcysteine which is necessary for the synthesis of glutathione – one of the main antioxidants.
Mexican Red Beans. The flavonoids that give Mexican Red Beans their bright-red colour are extremely powerful antioxidants. These beans are also a good source of fibre, folic acid, and carbohydrates.
Grapes antioxidants. They have the property to render harmless the radicals which are formed during inflammations, thus, preventing the skin irritation.
Prunes: Or dried plum, contain an unusually high concentration of unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These substances found in prunes and plums are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well documented. They are especially good at neutralizing a particularly dangerous oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical, and they have also been shown to help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats.
The ability of prunes to fight free radicals is boosted by beta-carotene. Beta-carotene acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant, eliminating free radicals that would otherwise cause a lot of damage to our cells and cell membranes.
What do you choose? Junk food or healthy products? Whatever your choice will be you have to know about antioxidants and the products that contain the biggest amount of antioxidants.
Best sources of antioxidants – best foods with antioxidants
A USDA study analyzed the antioxidant content of commonly consumed foods. Researchers tested over 100 foods. Here is a ranked list of the top 20 fruits, vegetables and nuts:
1. Small red bean (dried), 1/2 cup
2. Wild blueberry, 1 cup
3. Red kidney bean (dried), 1/2 cup[br[
4. Pinto bean, 1/2 cup
5. Blueberry (cultivated), 1 cup
6. Cranberry, 1 cup (whole)
7. Artichoke (cooked hearts), 1 cup
8. Blackberry, 1 cup
9. Prune, 1/2 cup
10. Raspberry, 1 cup
11. Strawberry, 1 cup
12. Red delicious apple, 1
13. Granny Smith apple, 1
14. Pecan, 1 ounce
15. Sweet cherry, 1 cup
16. Black plum, 1
17. Russet potato, 1 cooked
18. Black bean (dried), 1/2 cup
19. Plum, 1
20. Gala apple, 1
Super antioxidants and supplements high in antioxidants
Antioxidants – Useful information with practical application